or Why I post the photos I do.
A brief journey into the motivation of an internet junkie.
I have always had a themed bathroom - and the theme is always 'seashore fantasy', and it usually involves loads of tacky 50's ceramics and touristy tchochkas. It's full title used to be 'the Malibu Stacey Memorial Seashore Fantasy Bathroom',(an homage to the Simpsons), but that has been dropped now. The older I get the less kitcshy my taste becomes so I have moved into a more sophisticated look. Hence black and white vintage photos of beach/seashore themes, preferably with a handsome guy/s in it, framed in black.
I also have a set of B&W kitty photos in the guest bathroom, where the tub has been turned into a giant litter box. I felt it appropriate, and the kitties seem to like it.
I love the look of old things. Age adds an extra level of interest in anything I collect (i.e historic irises). There is often a low-level of surrealism and/or homo-eroticism to the photos I chose to pick out from the vast sea of vintage imagery (well, not the cat pics - you know what I mean). I love the idea of a small shard of time frozen on this bit of paper - a moment with no connection to any other, just existing outside of context.