Sunday, September 30, 2007

Peepless Sundays

Sunday is here and my usual peeps are out of town. No hangin' today - so lets see some pics of that bespeak of solitude...

Saturday, September 29, 2007


A couple of sets of pics of two really cute kittehs today, then off to the garden...

Isn't she a cutie? And now check out this handsome boy ~

And speaking of handsome...

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's Friday!

Huzzah, huzzah, Friday has arrived. Next stop - Caturday. Here's a couple pics to end your week right.

I love all the geometry going on in this double set. All the lines of the house remind me of Escher, in a fuzzy abstract kinda way.

Wait... what is that on his suit? Internets powers Embiggen!

Yeesh! That is a serious case of crabs.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Past dinner time

"Get out of teh tree and get in the car!"... I am so nevur goingk anywheres with him again.

"Ready to go now!"

The high road

Er, ... the high pole - or something like that. Hey cute kittehs!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ain't life sweet

Ugh. Back to work today. Would rather stay in bed. Here's some sweet pics to start the week with.

It's the look of love baby.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Kodachrome redux

Found some fun vintage color shots. I usually pass them by, but sometimes they are just too good. Here's the latest bunch.

I love the starkness of the kittehs on the blue couch, but what is up with that opossum? And why is that guy riding his motorcycle in his underwear? So many mysteries caught in still life.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lazy Sunday morningks

Got my cute overload fix and was inspired by the C.O.X.C.U. (cute overload extreme close-up). So here's the first S.E.C.U. (I think you can figure that out). Any ways... pic:

What's that scottie dog got? Internets powers Embiggen!

Poor kitteh. He doesn't look like he wants a face full of doggeh.

Can't forget the guys. Let's see what we can zoom in on here.


Oh, very nice.
Zooming in is fun! Now ya know.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lazy day...

The light in the shot above is just gorgeous.

I think these last two complement each other well. Nice lines of flow in both.


It's the weekends! Caturday is my favorite day. Here's some relaxin' pics to start a relaxin day.

I'm pretty sure the kitteh is the same in both pics. I love the second one - he look so comfortables. Perfect way to spend a saturday morning.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Almost there...

... teh weekend, that is. What can get us thru to Caturday? Oh yeah, pics of vintage guys. Summer in the PNW may be over but it's always sunny and warm somewhere in time.

Shout out to JMG and his readers. Thanks for checkin' out the pics. =) Don't forget, photos embiggen when you clik'em.

ps - Kitteh for good measure...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday hangin' with my peeps...

More great shots of cute friends hangin' out togetha. Today, good things come in twos.

Could these boys be any cuter?? No. No they could not.

I think that kitteh does not approve of having his photo taken. Look at the tail on his friend though - I just want to pull it.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's Caturday!!

Woohoo! Caturday is here. And here's some cats to celebrate.