Our photographer had a series of 8 of this incrediblly handsome young man in various compromising positions. Thought I'd share them with all our Sepiatone fans. =)
You might see this set up on eBay before long.... will post here if so.
The tall, thin blond was identified as the photographer's cousin on the back of one of the pics, and it was suggested he was joining the air force, where the photographer himself served. He sure knew how to stand & model.
Our photographer, in self portrait. He had as many photos of himself in the album as he did of all the other guys combined. Most were tourist shots tho, and very dull. This set was rather more daring, if unimaginative.
I've some fresh new material for you. Never before seen on the intertubes, as I have liberated a hard copy album from the local thrift. Over the next few weeks I'm delighted to bring you the best of these lovely B&W pics. The photographer is sadly unknown, but I have an entire album of his photos spanning a decade of his military service and the handsome young men he met. Hope you enjoy.