Saturday, February 10, 2007

Holy Toledo!

It's the ultimate Sepiatone photo - a cute kitteh and a cute guy in one shot! How can this ever be topped?


Sixteen Chickens said...

Hmmmm, how could it be topped? You're right it is the ultimate. But but but, wait, I think that cat is a calico, which means she is female, you must find one of a cute boy with a cute boy kitteh. Ahhh a challenge, throwing down the gauntlet, am I?

Mu said...

Hmmm... I accept your challenge, Madam, provided you give me one bit of info - just how do you sex a cat in a photo? Is there a patten that is always male?

Sixteen Chickens said...

Always male... hmmmm, an orange cat is "supposed" to be the male equivalent to the female calico. Also white cats with mixed color eyes (one green one blue) are usually male, I think. We need a consult from a geneticist. (Of course there is the obvious was to sex a cat, but ummm, I don't really want to see a photo of that.)

When you talking b&w photos it complicates things even more, though I can tell from the shades and patterns on that cat she is a calico, weird huh? I can see color where there is none. Yeah, it's a tough challenge, but I never said your quest was going to be easy.