I love the three kittehs coming outside, and momma and baby kitteh too. Great lines, great atmosphere, excellent photos. The guys - not so much art as just a great sense of fun pervading the photos. The one below though... check out the guy in the background. I find him faintly creepy, which makes the photo even better. And what is that he's holding? Is that a little dog? Oh, the kittehs are not going to like that.

Now that's a chorus line! Ha!
Those kitties coming out the door must all be related, look they all have the same frizzy raccoon tail.
I think the man in the background is holding a toddler.
Those kitties are so aloof!
A toddler! Now that is creepy. I may have to photoshop that right out of there. Ah, the magic of Photoshop. How did we exist without you.
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