Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday hangin' with my peeps

Oh, man, what a week! Thank goodness for caturday and sunday hangin' with my peeps! Digging in the garden and petting cats - that's what my day is all about. Hope you and your peeps are good too. Here's some great vintage pics.

I love this shot of all these guys running into the water. There's such a sense of fun about it, and everyone looks like they're having a great time. It's ben my destop wallpaper for a week, and sold for $261.00 (!!!) on eBay last week. Click it for the larger version - which is entirely NSFW.


Sixteen Chickens said...

"One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong..."

I wonder if those guys are in a race? How big was the photo that sold on ebay?

Mu said...

It's just a 3 x 5 postcard. I still can't believe what it went for. Too crazy.