Saturday, January 10, 2009

Caturday in the Great Outdoors!

I just love a fat kitteh - and look how cute he is under his parasol.

Camoflage - he has it!

This last one is my favorite tho - can you tell why? ;)


cathyj said...

Hey, Mike,

Irises in the background :-).

Did a double-take when I saw the cat in the first pic. Looks just like my Mom and Dad's cat of years ago, Tigger, hefty boy that he was.

Any flooding down your way? I'm glad we live on high ground.


Mu said...

Nope - we're up on a ridge. 101 was cut off for a few hours with a small mudlide near SR8 but they cleared it before I had to get thru. Traffic on 101 was just awful while 8 was shut down.