Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Vintage Kittehs on Film

Check out this excellent little film titled Private Life of a Cat. Described as
"Alexander Hammid's intimate study of a female cat and the birth and maturation of her five kittens." Produced by Alexander Hammid and Maya Deren, 1947.
Cutest. Vintage. Kittehs. Evah.

Hat tip to Cute Overload

And just for good measure, here's a reminder that warm weather is eventually coming (I hope!).


Sixteen Chickens said...

Those guys don't really have those shorts on, do they? They're just holding them up in front of their... other shorts?

Mu said...

Huh. Now you have me wondering... That does kinda look odd, doesn't it. Wish I had a larger size copy of the pic.