Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bad week...

What a bad week I've had. Sure could use some fun pics to cheer me up. Here's some good ones I've found recently.

Yeah, that's better.



Sixteen Chickens said...

Sorry to hear about your bad week, what happened?
I love that photo of the fluffy cat on the stairs, he looks so content. Ahhhh

Mu said...

Oh, last monday at midnight I scratched my cornea on a piece of plastic fencing while trying to turn off the sprinkler. Between the slight scratch and the slight swelling it's just enough to distort my vision and it's been a week of almost continuous headache ever since. Healing fast, but not fast enough.

Sixteen Chickens said...

Oh dear! Well, you get to pretend you're a rock star now, where are the Foster Grants? It should heal up just fine, but you're right healing never goes fast enough.

Mu said...

Well, they tell me it is healed now, but it still feels oogy.

So this last photo here of the two guys on the beach? Sold on eBay for $122.00(!!!). People are insane.