Monday, October 01, 2007

The Intimacy of Sunlight

Its glow spills thru the edges.

I love how close and quiet these photos feel.


Sixteen Chickens said...

I love the first one! The 2nd one scares me a bit... the guys look rather vacant.

Mu said...

It is because they had to hold for a longer time than an instant. The older the photo the longer it took to capture, so they lost the spontaneity and life of their souls coming thru. This is a composite of the person over many seconds, each instant a distinct entity and we distinct people.

Sixteen Chickens said...

Ahhh that explains some things, now tell me why they look like they work in the coal mines.

Mu said...

I wouldn't have guessed coal mines. Notice the tan face and hands with the very pale body. they are outside alot and fully covered but for the hands and head. I'd say they do something that requires a uniform with long sleeves and a very high and tight collar, and doubtful it is manual labor. Not many can afford a private spa such as this. My guess is the sons of a wealthy family possibly of rank in a military back when formal uniforms were the norm.

Sixteen Chickens said...

Well... there are boots in the background and I think they have spurs on them. They could be horsemen. Is that a mud bath?

Mu said...

I hadn't noticed the boots. Given the time period officers would have been mounted. [Insert snarky gay comment here] =)

If you look closely at the guy on the left you can see a few inches of his chest under the water, so can't be mud. The flat, hazy look comes from the movement of the water during the long exposure time.