Friday, March 21, 2008

T.G.I.F.!!!1! (OMG!Ponies!!11!)

Okay, no ponies as such, but, we do have some pretty nice shots of a couple of barely clothed young stallions. The best kind in my opinion. What do you think?

[Yeah, I can't believe I made that horribly obvious pun either, but some one had to. Quit groaning and look at the guys...]

On a different subject, this is one of the few photos that puts me in a moral quandary. It appears this young man is unaware he is being photographed. This smacks of exploitation without consent, which I don't like. At the same time the photo is, IMO, a work of art. It is beautiful to gaze upon and conveys a wonderful sense of intimacy and admiration. Who am I to deny history of this treasure. [ LOL ]. But then again it's probably staged, so screw'em. Woof.

ps - no cat tonite!