Friday, December 19, 2008

Cats! Cats everywhere!

The snow is making the cats crazy. They hate it so won't go outside for more than a few minutes, and being stuck in the house together is not their idea of fun. Miss Gracie is attacking everyone, Tuck is waking me up all night wanting attention, Peter is bored so is trying to chase the others and get them to play, and Chewie is just trying to stay away from them all. In the 12 years I've lived here this is the longest I've ever seen snow sit on the ground. We need some nice warm PNW rain. Alas, more snow and cold temps are in the forecast. Here's some pics of some warm kittehs to cheer us in our days of woe.

I just love the expression on this last kitteh but can't quite decide what he is thinking. Any idea?


Sixteen Chickens said...

He's thinking "glad I didn't get MY head stuck in the toilet."