Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ugh... winter

Snow everywhere, cold winds blowing, bad roads and stupid drivers - bleh. Schools are all closed, but is my workplace? Unh-uh. Must be time for gratuitous nudity. Yay for nekkid guys!

Let's just get a little closer in on that one...

Heh. My thoughts exactly.

I thought of putting a NSFW up there, but on reflection didn't bother. There's six people who read this blog - half don't have jobs and the other half know better. Love you all! Swak!


Sixteen Chickens said...

That first photo reminds me of a Renoir... maybe this one?

Work? What's that?

Mu said...

I can totally see that. Love that Renoir! he should have painted more male nudes tho... or any for that matter.

I love the lighting in the last one.