You can tell that little doggie is hating every minute of this. He's gonna try and eat that kitteh before long. Kitty, of course, is oblivious, but way too fast to be eaten by a fat little dog.

And a handsome young sailor on his sailboat, with a pretty smile that says "I'm not wearing pants". Is that an iceberg back there?
This post brought to you by Technicolor!
LMAO! I'm not wearing pants, either. I think I'll smile just like sailor guy there.
That little doggie better be careful. That adorable little kitteh is growing quickly, and learning to be quite sharp and vicious. Soon, that little doggie will get eaten himself!
"Kodachrome, gimme those nice bright colors gimme the greens of summer let us make all the world a sunny day yeah yeah..."
one where the whole world doesn't wear pants... hmmm, ok, maybe not the whole world...
Perhaps a select sampling of the world then.
I love Paul Simon - even more as 1/2 of S&Garfunkel. I had forgotten that song until now. Thanks for putting it back on my mental playlist. =)
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