I wonder what bits of the flotsam and jetsam of my life will wind up floating about some future online auction house for someone else to ponder over as if they were works of art. [cause they are]. Will digital history survive the way physical does? Will there be little pockets of information, devoid of context, that are just stumbled over as one cleans out old houses and offices? Will anyone think they are art? Would they be - or is that for the eye of the beholder to decide?
MU, have you been smokin sumthin? No? I didn't think so. Are you getting enough sunlight? Serious about that. You sound a little sad. Are you ok?
It is natural to ponder our significance in the universe, to try to make order of it, of life, that is why we create art. It helps us make that order, those connections. If no one ever understands it or values it that's ok, it has served its purpose. If someone does value our bits of flotsam and jetsam it is because it helps them create meaning/order in their own lives. Set it adrift on the tide, let it wash up where it may.
Well, granted the S.A.D. has me a bit down, but other than that I'm okay. I think my musings have more to do with all the articles I've been reading over the last year about the nature of time and how we experience it.
Add into that my ideas about what constitutes art. These photos I collect, for instance. I see them as bits of art because the lines and the light and the subjects all draw me into their narrative. But the person that took these pics wasn't thinking about art. They just wanted a memento to trigger memories or to share an image from their life with a friend.
It all comes back to reality being in the eye of the beholder. What is real or true seems so much to depend on who is doing the looking.
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